Many options for shipping cases

Many options for shipping cases

One might think that there are a limited number of options when it comes to hard sided shipping cases.   But hopefully as you can see from the two videos below, there are virtually limitless options for configuring a hard case to meet your specific needs.  In one of the applications, a power strip was attached to the inside of the case with a special outlet to connect it to a power source from the outside of the case.  The application was for transporting iPads.   Each iPad was connected to the power strip so that they could be charged when brought to their destination.

Shipping cases don’t have to have hinges to open and shut.  In one application a case was built where the case was split in two pieces so that a heavy product could easily be set in the base with the case assembled around the product.  The end result is a clever design that allows easy transport and easy loading and unloading.


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